Thursday 1 January 2015

The Clover Experiment:

In search of Soil, Soul and Society

An invite to green fingered diggers and dreamers of the four leaf clover - symbolising -

A spirit of faith, hope and love when diligence can be the mother of good luck.

A very rare opportunity to participate in an experiment in a practical exposition of permaculture principles - care of the earth, care of the people, share the surplus. Goffin Lands, a city farm of 96 acres of meadow and woodland above Beacon Heath has a meadow called Clover which is ear marked for a horticulture and market gardening enterprise.

It's early days at Goffin Lands. The overall project is to create an oasis from the stress of the modern life offering therapeutic, learning and play opportunities to community, fellow travellers and those is need of a helping hand - the Biophilia Project.

For three years, and maybe more, some land is available in a meadow named  Clover and another adjacent field, for growing food in collaborative engagement aimed at creating synergistic opportunity with the overall Biophilia Project.

How to configure such an engagement and 
how to share with whom?  ..... That’s the experiment

For the Clover Experiment the goals are:

1)  To produce an abundance of organic salad and vegetables on the clay rich soil by learning from past masters, ourselves and through individual and collective ingenuity.

2) To explore how we, as nature and healthy local food enthusiasts, can work effectively for a mutually beneficial common purpose.

3) To set of on a journey inspired by Satish Kumar to better understand the connection between soil, soul and society - to nurture a spiritual ambition to transcend ego by embracing eco. 

Please read Satish Kumar: the link between soil, soul and society

4) To embrace Albert Einstein’s advice:  Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow and never stop questioning.

See the links below for information about the Goffin Lands, Satish Kumar's insight and the Four Leaf Clover legend. There will be more info about tree planting, the woodlands and community engagement - all in good time - 

Yours in hope of a brighter future  ............  John Yates (custodian)

1. Address: Church Hill, Exeter , EX4 9JL - Page with plan of land and directions

2. A missive by a permaculture expert which gives a good “feel” for the meadows and woods.

3. Four Leaf Clover - legend:

4. Satish Kumar: the link between soil, soul and society:

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